We have great bargains and fair prices for our new and used clothing. 

The store is closed for maintenance

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Use this section to build trust and create a personal connection with your customers. The more a prospective customer knows about you, the more likely they are to purchase from your store. Use this section to explain why your store is the best place to purchase the type of goods you sell. Be sure to highlight the things that make your products and services unique. For example, are your items made locally, sourced from special ingredients or customized? This is the place to tell your customers how great your products and services are. Leave a memorable impression that makes them want to tell their friends about you and come back for more. Free shipping? Do you support a charity? Let them know here!

I ❤ thrifting thank you J4UTHREADZ for the great clothes and awesome prices 👍🔥🔥🔥

Mary Smith
local celebrity

About Us

Joan Doe,

store manager

Our mission is to provide quality affordable resale clothing to thrifting communities who cannot always afford Big Brand retail clothing store prices. J4UTHREADZ was established 2019 pre covid We believe small businesses is the Cornerstone of our country, and are aim is to provide second hand clothing at affordable prices for all.


Open 24hrs